Ayr Hill Garden Club manages six public gardens in Vienna VA
Salsbury Spring Park - Certified Native Habitat
Salsbury Spring Park is a quarter-acre plot of land at the corner of Windover Avenue and Lawyers Road with AHGC has maintained as a park since 1973. Click on the image to learn more.
W&OD Trail Garden
Since 1981 AHGC has landscaped and maintained the Northern Virginia Regional Park Authority W&OD Trail where it crosses Route 123 in Vienna. Click on the image for more information.
Children's Discovery Garden
Since 2004, AHGC has maintained a child-high garden designed to stimulate interest in poetic names, color, form, texture, variety and scent of both traditional and new plants. Click on image for more information.
Little Library Gardens
In 2008, AHGC planted a Colonial Herb Garden behind the Little Library. In 2017, the club added a Native American Garden and a fern collection to the south and north sides of the building. In 2018, a Victory Garden was developed to grow vegetables common during World War I and II.
Pollinator Garden
Since 2011, AGHC has maintained a native plant and herb garden that attracts butterflies, birds and insects on the grounds of Emmanuel Lutheran Church.
Anniversary Garden
In 2019, we created a new garden to honor the 90th anniversary of AHGC. This garden is located in the space between the Freeman Store and the W&OD Trail on Church Street.